The Red Hook Crit Series is four unique events held in Brooklyn, London, Barcelona, and Milano. The inagural event was held in, you guessed it, Brooklyn in 2008. It was in Brooklyn alone for 2008 and 2009, then added Milano in 2010, and has now expanded to four events in four cities. The video below is from Equinox's Furthermore which also had a nice article about two of the competitors in the race. If you want to race your fixed gear bike on city streets, start training now and get ready for the intensity! Coach Brian
Back in January, I presented at Cycle Craft's Winning with Power night. I had a request to revisit this topic and wanted to post up on my Blog. I thoroughly believe a power meter is one of the best investments you can make in your training. When coupled with a structured training plan, can take you to new levels of fitness and cycling achievement. Reps from the major players in the power meter world were also present allowing participants to investigate the options in detail. My presentation covered the most utilized metrics in cycling and the pros and cons of each. I went into detail as to why a power meter provides the "best" possible data to accurately measure your ride. Next, I covered the types of power meters along with their pros and cons. Below you will find a summary of the slides I presented. If you or your club/team would like to schedule to full presentation, or you would like to discuss other cycling and training related technologies, please send me an e-mail. Enjoy! |
Coach B.L.Coach B.L. is the head coach at BJL Coaching and an avid racer and cycling enthusiast himself. Archives
August 2024