Avoid these mistakes as the weather gets better here in the North East, or wherever you may be riding. This is a super article, published on CTS, that is filled with good advice for the novice and experienced cyclist alike. I can't say enough about these 11 mistakes, and they're all mistakes that I've helped cyclists overcome. With that said, the best way to avoid these mistakes and make the most of your season, is by working with an experienced an qualified coach. Enjoy the read! Coach B.L. 11 Surprising Mistakes Cyclists Make When Getting Back in Shape We asked CTS Coaches to share some of the common mistakes they see athletes make early in the season when enthusiasm is high and athletes are motivated for the season ahead. Our coaches came up with 11 mistakes they see pop up year after year that disrupt athletes’ training, and they offered these easy solutions to keep you on track. Avoid these early season missteps and follow our coaches’ advice and you’ll lay down a foundation for a successful season. 1. Starving Themselves Just as They Ramp up Their Training
Getting back in shape is often coupled with a desire to lose weight, so some athletes both increase their exercise energy expenditure and dramatically reduce their caloric intake at the same time. Solution: You have to eat to support your activity level, so at the very least continue eating as you have been when you start to ramp up your training. If you add calories to your day, start by adding a small pre-ride snack and consuming calories only during rides that are longer than 60-75 minutes. 2. Going Big Right From the Start!Enthusiasm is great, but sometimes it gets the better of an athlete, especially one getting back in shape. The memory of what you used to do sometimes blinds you to the need to build up more gradually this time around. Solution: Getting back in shape is all about consistency and establishing the habits that will keep you going. It would be better to ride 4 days a week for 1-2 hours than to ride once or twice a week for 4 hours. 3. Immediately Changing Your Cycling Position For experienced cyclists trying to get back into shape, you may not feel totally comfortable on your bike for the first few rides on the comeback trail. The saddle might feel high and the reach way too long, for instance, because you don’t have the conditioning and flexibility you had when you were riding more. Solution: Before you totally revamp your position be patient. Keep your rides relatively short (60 minutes or so) and the intensity easy to moderate for 3-5 rides. Avoid the temptation to test yourself, just ride at a relatively high cadence (90+ RPM) and give your body time to readapt to the position. If after these rides you’re still uncomfortable, go see a bike fit professional. 4. Getting Hung up on Previous Best Power Outputs/Heart Rates/Course Times Oftentimes athletes are too focused on what “was”, as opposed to “what needs to be.” A lot of time is spent lamenting the fact that power output is not what it once was, or time over a given course is significantly longer than previous. Solution: Be realistic with your current fitness level as you are starting again, and know that it will take some time to regain that fitness. The upside is that if it did, in fact, happen previously- there’s a pretty good chance it will happen again with time and consistency of training. Soon those power numbers will be right back where they used to be, and then some! 5. Setting an Unrealistic Training Routine All too often, athletes set unrealistic training schedules for themselves. After an extended hiatus from regular training, it is easy to set yourself up for failure by trying to squeeze in more training time than your schedule can sustainably allow. Career duties are typically off the table during time management negotiations, this leaves family and personal time (i.e. sleep) on the chopping block. Solution: Discuss goals with your partner and family before developing your training plan. A good coach can help you to pragmatically decide how much time is truly necessary and how to make the most of the time you do have. A balanced training plan will be much more effective than one that spreads you thin and leaves you stressed out. 6. Worrying About What Your Training Partners/ or Friends Are Doing With Their Training Listening to what other athletes are doing with their training (which often is different than what you, the athlete, should be doing) can easily rattle the nerves and place doubt on the start of your training and event preparation. Solution: This is where a coach can be very helpful. Discuss these concerns with your coach which allows for an open two-way communication. Your coach see’s the bigger picture and will explain and show you (the athlete) where you are within your training and what you need to continue to do within your training in order to achieve your goals. 7. Waiting Too Long to Add Intensity Perhaps as common as doing too much too soon is waiting too long to add intensity to a training program. Many athletes believe they need to do weeks of low-intensity riding to build a base before they can do high-intensity training. This will unnecessarily slow their return to fitness. Solution: Add small doses of very short, but quite high-intensity intervals to your training after just a few rides re-familiarizing yourself with your bike. These will build your fitness faster, and getting some progress under your belt is good for morale. Start with as few as four to six 10-second sprints separated by several minutes of easy riding. Increase the number of these sprints before increasing the duration of high-intensity efforts. 8. “Making Up” Workouts Making up missed workouts by cramming them all into a couple of days often results in excessive fatigue and poor training outcomes. Solution: Don’t cram. Many times you just need to go to the next workout if you only miss a day. If you have to miss a workout, evaluate the importance of the workout (intervals are more important than endurance rides, typically) or discuss with your coach and figure out where it fits in best with your schedule. You can make it up but maintain the integrity of your training program by replacing a less important workout with the critical missed workout. If you miss several workouts in a row then you may have to repeat the week. 9. Too Many Group RidesSome athletes make the mistake of doing too many group rides and not enough solo work that focuses on specific energy systems and make progressively lasting changes to fitness. Solution: Group rides are great, so we’re not saying you should always train solo. Pick and choose your group rides and have a purpose for each one. Make the majority of your riding specific to your fitness and goals with a progressive training program. 10. Overpacked Your Race Schedule Some athletes set an overzealous racing schedule with races every weekend, without taking into account the physical and mental stresses of racing, traveling, and impact on family and other commitments. Solution: Set your racing schedule around your most important races then fill in with a conservative schedule of supporting races, keeping in mind your other commitments. Include your family in the process and get feedback from a coach or someone who has more experience in racing to give you objective feedback. Be committed to your race schedule but be willing to adjust when something is not working. 11. Unprepared For Changing Weather Conditions Motivated athletes want to get out there in all kinds of weather, which is a good thing. But you have to be prepared. Doing a long climb but not having a wind jacket for the descent, or going out in cold and rain without appropriate booties and gloves, turns a great ride into a miserable experience. Overdressing can also be an issue. Solution: The Weather Channel, or your favorite weather app, should be your new best friend. Check the conditions before going out, or just stick your head outside to check temperature and conditions. Dress appropriately, and if possible, take a rain jacket/wind vest if you’re unsure. You should be slightly cool starting out as you will warm up as you get moving. If you live in rainy or cold weather conditions, always be prepared with cold weather gear. http://trainright.com/surprising-mistakes-cyclists-make-when-getting-back-in-shape/
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Coach B.L.Coach B.L. is the head coach at BJL Coaching and an avid racer and cycling enthusiast himself. Archives
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